We understand mechanical engineering

Feeding technology for the mechanical engineering industry


The range of parts in mechanical engineering is wide and varied, from screws and ball studs to complex sheet metal parts. We have been able to draw on decades of experience to develop solutions for well over 5000 different parts. We can also create the right feeding solution for your product and fit your assembly line with ultra-reliable feeding technology.

The challenges

Feeding solutions in general mechanical engineering are many and varied. Sorting parts often need to be fed in with great care and feeding devices transfer various different parts in a given product line. Increasingly, requirements also include the integration of downstream functionalities such as printing, laser inscription and test rigs.

Our expertise

Stepfeeder technology is particularly suited to precise feeding that protects even sensitive components. The materials in contact with the product can be specifically tailored to the relevant part. Transition sorting tracks, handling systems and the connection of robots enable maximum flexibility and rapid retooling.

Below is just a selection of parts for which we have already designed and produced feed devices.

fasteners transported by the mechanical engineering feeding solutions by Köberlein & Seigert


M20; L=170 mm


Sorting parts: Fasteners


Our solution:

Single-lane feeding device with a vibrating conveyor, stepfeeder and sorting track for positioning and correct transfer to the downstream production step. Incorrectly positioned parts are automatically returned to the conveying process.

150 parts per minute

ball studs transported by the mechanical engineering feeding solutions by Köberlein & Seigert

Ball studs

ø22; L=75 mm


Sorting parts: Ball studs


Our solution:

Single-lane feeding device with a storage conveyor, stepfeeder and sorting track for positioning and correct transfer to the downstream production step. Incorrectly positioned parts are automatically returned to the conveying process and partial noise-insulating coverings reduce the noise level.

10 parts per minute

sensor caps transported by the mechanical engineering feeding solutions by Köberlein & Seigert

Sensor caps

14x18x18 mm


Sorting parts: Sensor caps


Our solution:

Double-lane feeding device with a vibrating conveyor, stepfeeder and sorting track for positioning and correct transfer to the downstream production step. Track gate valves ensure even track loading, and incorrectly positioned parts are automatically returned to the conveying process on a return conveyor.

100 parts per minute

sheet metal stamped parts transported by the mechanical engineering feeding solutions by Köberlein & Seigert

Sheet metal stamped parts

20x140x160 mm


Sorting parts: Sheet metal stamped parts


Our solution:

Single-lane feeding device with a storage conveyor, stepfeeder, sorting track and separation belts for positioning correct transfer to the downstream production step. Incorrectly positioned parts are automatically returned to the conveying process on a return conveyor.

14-15 parts per minute

Below is just a selection of parts for which we have already designed and produced feed devices.

fasteners transported by the mechanical engineering feeding solutions by Köberlein & Seigert


M20; L=170 mm


Sorting parts: Fasteners


Our solution:

Single-lane feeding device with a vibrating conveyor, stepfeeder and sorting track for positioning and correct transfer to the downstream production step. Incorrectly positioned parts are automatically returned to the conveying process.

150 parts per minute

sheet metal stamped parts transported by the mechanical engineering feeding solutions by Köberlein & Seigert

Sheet metal stamped parts

20x140x160 mm


Sorting parts: Sheet metal stamped parts


Our solution:

Single-lane feeding device with a storage conveyor, stepfeeder, sorting track and separation belts for positioning correct transfer to the downstream production step. Incorrectly positioned parts are automatically returned to the conveying process on a return conveyor.

14-15 parts per minute

ball studs transported by the mechanical engineering feeding solutions by Köberlein & Seigert

Ball studs

ø22; L=75 mm


Sorting parts: Ball studs


Our solution:

Single-lane feeding device with a storage conveyor, stepfeeder and sorting track for positioning and correct transfer to the downstream production step. Incorrectly positioned parts are automatically returned to the conveying process and partial noise-insulating coverings reduce the noise level.

10 parts per minute

sensor caps transported by the mechanical engineering feeding solutions by Köberlein & Seigert

Sensor caps

14x18x18 mm


Sorting parts: Sensor caps


Our solution:

Double-lane feeding device with a vibrating conveyor, stepfeeder and sorting track for positioning and correct transfer to the downstream production step. Track gate valves ensure even track loading, and incorrectly positioned parts are automatically returned to the conveying process on a return conveyor.

100 parts per minute

Contact persons

Our contact persons

Sales (main office)

Im Oberen Weidig 1
98631 Grabfeld
Phone: +49 (0) 36944 522 0
Fax: +49 (0) 36944 522 100

Sales (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark)

Mr. Marc Schlüter
Im Loddenkamp 1
59956 Lippstadt
Phone: +49 (0) 160 9557 3692

Sales (Austria, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Eastern Europe, Asia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland)

Michael Weber
Phone: +49 (0) 36944 522 101

Sweden: AB Pema Metall

SE-335 93 Åsenhöga, Schweden
Phone: +46 (0) 370 930 10


Sales (United States of America, Mexico, Canada)

3740 Boiling Springs Rd #117
Boiling Springs, SC 29316-5716, USA
Phone: +1 864-592-0015 ext. 1

Replacement part contact persons

Thomas Wirsing
Phone: +49 (0) 36944 522 191

Georg Geuppert
Phone: +49 (0) 36944 522 173

Marco Wirsing
Phone: +49 (0) 36944 522 190

After Sales Team

Machine maintenance contact person

Oscar Ritzmann
Phone: +49 (0) 36944 522 182

Our Maintenance Team

Machine repairs contact person

Oscar Ritzmann
Phone: +49 (0) 36944 522 182

Our Repair Team

Machine conversions contact persons

Oscar Ritzmann
Phone: +49 (0) 36944 522 182

Our Modification Team

Remote service contact person

Robert Werner
Phone: +49 (0) 36944 522 202

User training contact person